We toured the township of uMlazi on Sunday. It was a very eye-opening experience. It is the biggest township in Durban and it is separated into different areas which are named with the letters of the alphabet. It is so big that they had to start using aa, bb, cc, etc. There are about 750,000 people living in this "small" area (small for the population). Everyone is very poor but certain areas are worse than others. There is an area called 17 section which was nicknamed "Uganda". People on one side of the land support the ANC (African National Congress) and the other side supports the IFP (Inkatha Freedom Party). Those that support the ANC live in this area:
These pictures are of a home that we were able to go in to see what the living conditions were like. This family had electricity but it was very dangerous because they have a very leaky roof so when it rains the electrical cords get wet. Often the people have to cover themselves with plastic when they sleep to keep dry.
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