This is a croc we saw while on a boat tour of the St. Lucia estuary

While on the same boat tour, we floated over this hippo that was hidden under water and he shot out from under the boat right in front of Lindsay and I. It was like a tidal wave and scared the pee out of us. Definitely was not expecting it. This is the hippo staring us down afterwards. Soon after this he marked his territory by pooping in the river and swinging his tail like a little motor back and forth making the poop fly. It was quite hilarious and I'm sad i didn't get it on video.

Warthot basking in the cool mud.

Warthog mom and her baby grazing after soaking in a mud bath.

White Rhinoceros- These are the nice rhinos. They are very docile while the black rhinos are very territorial and will charge at you. Both the black and the white rhinos are gray but the white has a flat "beak" while the black has a pointed "beak". This is due to the foods they eat.

Mom and baby elephant cooling off in the water. At this age, the baby doesn't know how to use its trunk properly and just uses it as a toy.

Gnu (not sure on the spelling)

Turtle in the road! Our driver had to move it out of the road or he said it would get run over because everytime a car passes it turns around and starts heading the other way. It is too slow to get across before the next car comes so it turns around again to go the opposite way. You can see how he might get stuck there forever.

Herd of Cape buffalo (not water buffalo) cooling off in the river.

A little baby Zebra! Doesn't he look like he should have rockers on the bottom of his feel and be a child's toy rocking horse?

Our only cat sighting of the whole safari. A couple of Cheetah's just chilling in the grass.

This elephant was on the hunt for a woman. You could tell by his aweful smell and the secretions dripping from his "you know where" letting the female elephants know he's ready to mate.

A herd of Elephants we spotted on our way into the park

Our first animal spotting was this hyena.
AMAZING!!!!!! I'm so jealous!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great experience this has been for you both. I'm sure you'll remember it always. I hope it helps you really appreciate your life in the US, but also appreciate what Africa has to offer. What a difficult place Africa must be in which to live.